Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Thermotron manager Puppet Training - Learn the 5 Basic Skills for Good Puppetry


Sexual harassment, thomas bannach


thermotron .. manager training …

thomas bannach liked to call his co-workers “gay” behind their backs..

it wasn’t “true” but this is why thomas bannach as a manager was called

“the spineless guttless wonder and the “over payed do-nothing”

and thomas bannach bragged that every-body would believe his lies..

Dean Tripp said thomas bannach really did not have the character to
be called a “thermotron

manager”.. BUT the liers and embezzlers really
really liked him !!

ask daniel j okeefe, or roger cannady or david waterfield, or dean
tripp, or

 thomas patterson, or jeff shultie, or dick alverson,

patterson or randy herdes, or the liar bob wiley, or the clone liar
ronald wiley!!

they are all the same.. remember at thermotron is’s “OK” 2-B-currupt

yes it’s easy to find a reason to harass your co worker at thermotron.. this is considered norman..

need some work on the side??

How –about a Blow–job!!!

need some help with that work!!!

How about a Hand–job !!

contact a-tamer–Kennedy… at thermotron.. senior human resourse!!!

Sexual harassment,


s intimidation, bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the
unwelcome or inappropriate promise of

rewards in exchange for sexual

[1] In some contexts or circumstances, sexual harassment may be
illegal. It includes a range of behavior from seemingly mild
transgressions and annoyances to actual sexual abuse or sexual assault.

[2] Sexual harassment is a form of illegal employment discrimination
in many countries, and is a form of abuse (sexual and psychological) and
bullying. For many businesses, preventing sexual harassment, and
defending employees from sexual harassment charges, have become key
goals of legal decision-making.

In contrast, many scholars complain that sexual harassment in
education remains a “forgotten secret,” with educators and
administrators refusing to admit the problem exists in their schools, or
accept their legal and ethical responsibilities to deal with it

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