Saturday, January 19, 2013

What is a psychopath?- The Pros to Being a Psychopath In a new book---or,--get your traiing at thermotron-- smile!!


The Pros to Being a Psychopath

In a new book, Oxford research psychologist Kevin Dutton argues that psychopaths are poised to perform well under pressure

  1. Sounds like schools and politics are set up for the breeding of psychopaths doesn’t it?
    I mean this in complete seriousness. Evan
  2. Hello Evan – I can see where you’re coming from. But don’t give up hope, bro! One of the things about the psychopath is that he generates fear and paranoia because of how dangerous he is and also because of his own inner dread and emptiness – (about which he knows nothing). When you and I read, write, think, talk about psychopathy we sooner or later become afraid and despairing. So it’s a tricky one – some of our bad feeling is ‘correct’ (psychopathy is a dreadful social problem) and some of it is ‘projected’ (put into us by the psychopath – even the thought of a psychopath).
  3. [...] But there is one element that must be added, one proviso made. Yes, it’s my current bugbear – psychopathy. Unless there is good faith, reflection (deep or otherwise) is only going to folded into the [...]
  4. I know you are describing the criminal variety sociopath. But I am amazed at the sync-up to the pathetic, emotionally abusive, emotionally & sexually exploitive, simply-without-conscience variety.
    To have been taken in by that….
    BUT.. What you are giving me here is KNOWLEDGE and therefore preventative ‘ammunition’ from ever letting another sociopath get the best of me! All the more to recognize the slime.
  5. terraflora – Glad to be of help! The awful thing is that knowing about this stuff can make one cynical and suspicious about regular folks which is unfair.
    (Incidentally, I’m not familar witht he expression ‘sync-up’ but like sound of it. What’s it mean?)
  6. Actually Steve… words failed me at that moment and that is what emerged from my brain. But I was trying to say I was amazed at the alikeness, the alignment, the correlation (AH, there’s the word) … :) I get creative at times. Sometimes it works.
    BUT – I do want to say about the potential cynicism: Boy did I stare THAT one in the face! I really saw the likelihood that I would NEVER trust anyone again. Thank God for the grace (the mysterious good) I have experienced in my recovery because I feel now better informed and therefore safer in the world!!
  7. [...] criminal psychopath is the topic of a post at Top Two Inches, and over at the Deception Blog, a comment on research on [...]
  8. Something like 1 % of the world’s population are psychopaths . There is some differentiation between low intelligence and high intelligence psychopaths . Psychopaths experience and process emotions differently . High intelligence psychopathy can be seen in world leaders both totalitarians and democratic systems , the aristocracy the concept of master and serf a psychopathic invention . Low intelligence psychopaths can be seen in people like Ed Gain , I regard him more as being mentally ill . I think you should be quite clear on your definitions and understanding of psychopathy .
    Are psychopaths bad for human civilisation ? Answer probably not , except the few who inflict suffering on others .
    Most psychopaths are well adapted and live normal lives and are amongst our most “gifted” . There have been many benevolent dictators and Kings who put their people first and had the ability to do that yet were clearly psychopaths .
    In times of crisis it’s usually the psychopath who causes the crisis or is the hero and saves the day .
    My belief is that psychopaths are perhaps a subspecies of homo sapiens . Is there a genetic element to psychopathy? , certainly look at the aristocracy for instance .
    My real Question is where is the concept of Good and Evil . Is there a good psychopath ? and we all know the cliche evil psychopath . What makes a psychopath or a normal person do what they do ? Self gratification or is there a higher purpose in these things? What are the metaphysics of a psychopath .
    I know psychiatry very well yet their are many gaps and misunderstanding with regards to this field .
  9. Salman,
    There is no pscyhopath that puts other people first, I’m sorry ure wrong on this.
    Your other thought – p being subspecies – very interesting thought that is not unlikely to be correct. These guys (mostly) are very different, also, it seems, wrt their brain wiring. See similar stuff among chimpanzees. Also the difference horse-sebra (look very similar, very different pscyholgoical makeup).

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