Thursday, January 24, 2013

Antisocial Psychopath and Sociopath: Antisocial Personality Disorder

Beavis, You're a stupid dumbass--THERMOTRON FIELD SERVICE- Job Application Fill out the following application to the best of your abilities. Omitted information may hurt your chances as a potential candidate. Please allocate 20-30 minutes to complete the application process.

Field Service Refrigeration / hvac / CT

Field Service
New Haven, CT

The purpose of this position is to continuously grow revenue

 and profits through building service sales volume.

Actively and continuously involved in

 preventive maintenance contracts,


extended warranties,



relocation packages,

and general service.
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Service functions include performing

 quality installations,










inspection and

 servicing of Thermotron products

and like competitor products.

Must develop strong relationships with customers

by acting in a highly responsive and professional manner to meet customer needs.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Family Guy - Bugs Bunny

it's ok

at thermotron you get A-Head, by proving you are loyal to the Big guy

thermotron manager training - Bugs Bunny-- criminal psycopath

come for the opportunity to be all the liar you can be-- cuz it's just politics!

ok start here

Thermotron manager training - Bugs Bunny-- be one of the Guys!!

thermoton -- where it dosen't matter what you do to any one -- so long as you get away with it and blame it on some one else..

learn how to be an accomplished

criminal psychopath--

Thermotron let the games begin


To grow and improve as individuals and as a company.


Thermotron will use the precepts of quality to grow and continuously improve our company and employees to meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.


  • Quality
  • Spirit of cooperation
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  • Efficiency
  • Continuous Improvement

  • Research & Development
  • Proven Customer Service Record
  • Pride in Our Uniqueness
  • Lean Management Structure
  • Know Our Core Competencies
  • Open Door Policy/Belief in Collaboration

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What is a psychopath?- The Pros to Being a Psychopath In a new book---or,--get your traiing at thermotron-- smile!!


The Pros to Being a Psychopath

In a new book, Oxford research psychologist Kevin Dutton argues that psychopaths are poised to perform well under pressure

  1. Sounds like schools and politics are set up for the breeding of psychopaths doesn’t it?
    I mean this in complete seriousness. Evan
  2. Hello Evan – I can see where you’re coming from. But don’t give up hope, bro! One of the things about the psychopath is that he generates fear and paranoia because of how dangerous he is and also because of his own inner dread and emptiness – (about which he knows nothing). When you and I read, write, think, talk about psychopathy we sooner or later become afraid and despairing. So it’s a tricky one – some of our bad feeling is ‘correct’ (psychopathy is a dreadful social problem) and some of it is ‘projected’ (put into us by the psychopath – even the thought of a psychopath).
  3. [...] But there is one element that must be added, one proviso made. Yes, it’s my current bugbear – psychopathy. Unless there is good faith, reflection (deep or otherwise) is only going to folded into the [...]
  4. I know you are describing the criminal variety sociopath. But I am amazed at the sync-up to the pathetic, emotionally abusive, emotionally & sexually exploitive, simply-without-conscience variety.
    To have been taken in by that….
    BUT.. What you are giving me here is KNOWLEDGE and therefore preventative ‘ammunition’ from ever letting another sociopath get the best of me! All the more to recognize the slime.
  5. terraflora – Glad to be of help! The awful thing is that knowing about this stuff can make one cynical and suspicious about regular folks which is unfair.
    (Incidentally, I’m not familar witht he expression ‘sync-up’ but like sound of it. What’s it mean?)
  6. Actually Steve… words failed me at that moment and that is what emerged from my brain. But I was trying to say I was amazed at the alikeness, the alignment, the correlation (AH, there’s the word) … :) I get creative at times. Sometimes it works.
    BUT – I do want to say about the potential cynicism: Boy did I stare THAT one in the face! I really saw the likelihood that I would NEVER trust anyone again. Thank God for the grace (the mysterious good) I have experienced in my recovery because I feel now better informed and therefore safer in the world!!
  7. [...] criminal psychopath is the topic of a post at Top Two Inches, and over at the Deception Blog, a comment on research on [...]
  8. Something like 1 % of the world’s population are psychopaths . There is some differentiation between low intelligence and high intelligence psychopaths . Psychopaths experience and process emotions differently . High intelligence psychopathy can be seen in world leaders both totalitarians and democratic systems , the aristocracy the concept of master and serf a psychopathic invention . Low intelligence psychopaths can be seen in people like Ed Gain , I regard him more as being mentally ill . I think you should be quite clear on your definitions and understanding of psychopathy .
    Are psychopaths bad for human civilisation ? Answer probably not , except the few who inflict suffering on others .
    Most psychopaths are well adapted and live normal lives and are amongst our most “gifted” . There have been many benevolent dictators and Kings who put their people first and had the ability to do that yet were clearly psychopaths .
    In times of crisis it’s usually the psychopath who causes the crisis or is the hero and saves the day .
    My belief is that psychopaths are perhaps a subspecies of homo sapiens . Is there a genetic element to psychopathy? , certainly look at the aristocracy for instance .
    My real Question is where is the concept of Good and Evil . Is there a good psychopath ? and we all know the cliche evil psychopath . What makes a psychopath or a normal person do what they do ? Self gratification or is there a higher purpose in these things? What are the metaphysics of a psychopath .
    I know psychiatry very well yet their are many gaps and misunderstanding with regards to this field .
  9. Salman,
    There is no pscyhopath that puts other people first, I’m sorry ure wrong on this.
    Your other thought – p being subspecies – very interesting thought that is not unlikely to be correct. These guys (mostly) are very different, also, it seems, wrt their brain wiring. See similar stuff among chimpanzees. Also the difference horse-sebra (look very similar, very different pscyholgoical makeup).

Sociopath Test-- thermotron manager training--Whatever, the psychopath gets what he wants because people give it to him.


One of the most frightening examples I’ve seen is in the movie ‘Bundy‘ where the serial killer is driving along in his VW, sees something, swerves across the traffic to a motel where - in broad daylight – he loads two enormous pot-plants into his car and drives off without a care in the world.

Effect 1. Collusion
The criminal psychopath will do anything and everything to get what he wants and people often respond by complying. (I say ‘he’ because there are fewer female psychopaths than male.)

People collude through fear.

The psychopath overtly threatens, or covertly hints, or his reputation precedes him.

Whatever, the psychopath gets what he wants because people give it to him.

People also collude through despair.

By this I don’t mean they despair because of the danger they’re in or because they’re breaking their own values. They despair because very deep down the psychopath despairs.

 He will not recognise his own despair, though – it would lead him to suicide – so he causes others to feel it. The psychological term for this is projective identification.
Example 1: “You’re the only person who can help me; there’s no other hope.” The other becomes convinced of this, goes against his or her own better judgement, and in a flash the psychopath is on his merry way.

Example 2.

 In his memoir ‘Experience‘ Martin Amis discusses the murder of his cousin Lucy Partington by the serial killer Frederick West.

Along the way Amis mentions West’s “beseeching face.” No doubt it was this that lowered his victim’s resistance.

Effect 2. Disbelief

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, people often repsond to the psychopath by refusing to believe that he committed this or that outrage.

This is because of the famed psychopathic charm.
Example: Many people cannot accept OJ Simpson’s guilt because he is such a nice guy.
Warning: beware foiling the nice psychopath. The niceness will be replaced by revenge, sooner or later.
Example:  ‘The Sporanos’ character Paulie ‘Walnuts’ Gualtieri several times on this short video turns nasty on a dime.

Effect 3. Rejection

A third effect the criminal psychopath has on people is condemnation.

Because the criminal psychopath is bad, it’s easy for us to attribute all badness to them and regard them as the dregs. What’s missing from this is the acknowledgement of our own badness.

Example: Carmela Soprano won’t condemn Tony because “there are far bigger crooks than my husband.” In other words: I’m a good person, he’s my husband, therefore he must be a good person – it’s the others who are bad. (This formula is flawed from the start – she is not a good person. Who is?)


The confounding thing about the criminal psychopath is that all three of the above effects will be produced by the same person.

As a consequence, an unintended effect of the criminal psychopath is to destroy group functioning.

Effect 4. Acceptance-as-is

This, the psychoanalyst Nevile Symington says, is the correct position to take when treating a psychopath. It means acknowledging one’s own sadism, etc. without disbelieving the psychopath’s far greater sadism; it also means not colluding with or rejecting him.

A TV example: Harry Morgan, Dexter‘s adopted father and a former homicide detective, was first to spot Dexter’s passion for human vivisection and helped his son channel his homicidal impulses in a more constructive pursuit: delivering vigilante justice. (Fun but unlikely, don’t you think?)
One could accept the crimimanal psychopath as he is. Or one could just keep well away!

thermotron- Lie Detector- i heard about you --Can psychopaths have a positive impact on society,

ok sure

Can psychopaths have a positive impact on society, 

as opposed to just using their advantages to get ahead?

I’ve interviewed a lot of special forces troops, especially the British Special Air Service.

 They’re like Navy Seals. That’s a very good example of people who are pretty high on those psychopathic traits who are actually in a perfect occupation.

Also, I interview in the book a top neurosurgeon—this was a surgeon who takes on operations that are especially risky—who said to me, “The most important thing when you’re conducting a dangerous operation, a risky operation, is you’ve got to be very cool under pressure, you’ve got to be focused.

You can’t have too much empathy for the person that you’re operating on, because you wouldn’t be able to conduct that operation.” Surgeons do very nasty things to people when they’re on the operating table.

If things do go wrong, the most important facet in a surgeon’s arsenal is decisiveness. You cannot freeze.

You noted in the book that you’re not a psychopath yourself. 

 Despite my profession, I scored pretty low on your survey as well.

 Can “normals” like you and me learn to develop these psychopathic traits, even if we don’t have them naturally?

Normal people can work out their psychopath muscles. It’s kind of like going to the gym in a way, to develop these attributes. It’s just like training.

Psychopaths don’t think, should I do this or shouldn’t I do this?

They just go ahead and do stuff. So next time you find yourself putting off that chore or filing that report or something, unchain your inner psychopath and ask yourself this:

“Since when did I need to feel like something in order to do it?”

Another way you can take a leaf out of a psychopath’s book:

 Psychopaths are very reward-driven.

 If they see a benefit in something, they zone in on it and they go for it 100 percent. Let’s take an example of someone who is kind of scared of putting in for a raise at work.

You might be scared about what the boss might think of you.

You might think if you’d don’t get it you’re going to get fired. Forget it.

 Cut all that stuff off. “Psychopath up,” and overwhelm your negative feelings by concentrating on the benefits of getting it.

The bottom line here is, a bit of localized psychopathy is good for all of us.

thomas w bannach - Do What You Feel-- every-1's a manager

“Psychopath” is a term that gets thrown about a lot in our culture. 

Are psychopaths misunderstood?

It’s true, no sooner is the word “psychopath” out than images of your classic psychopathic killers like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer and a whole kind of discreditable raft of senior politicians come kind of creeping across our minds.

 But actually, being a psychopath doesn’t mean that you’re a criminal.

 Not by default, anyway. It doesn’t mean that you’re a serial killer, either.

thomas w Bannach-- as the west coast manager-- he chose his "Pet" liars and thieves to support his basic manager  policy.

That it is "OK " to lie cheat steal , deceive defraud miss lead lead astray, lible slander ,character assinate -- any one who was not in aggrement with him--- and besides -- as Harry Grace the final employee he hired for that office said.. Thomas Bannach -- is heavey on personal "loyality" and besides "i lied for you"

Where as Hil sysbesma -- remarked that Gregory V Johnson had Thomas Bannach "around his little finger" and would believe his lies--

In the course of two years--- Thomas bannach Drummed out 4  service and sales support secretaries 2 sales engineers, and the service person-all--

Dean Tripp the long term-- thermotron west coast liar and deceiver-- said he didn't think thomas Bannach had any "morals or Ethics" and that he would only do what ever is easest!!

and as Gregory V Johnson said-- it dosen't matter what lies you say about your co-workers or what you do to your co-workers --

so long as you get away --with--it and -- blame it on some--one else--!!

When you talk to different management staff-- from thermotron-- roger cannady, david waterfield, even ron wiley-- or randy herdes-- mark lamers--Hil Sybesma

they all have justification as to why they chose to be liers slanders and protect the different thieves and embezzlers--

But it is in the long run -- a graphic example of "who their is such a "moral' decline in the cuntry and of course Holland Michigan- and the Dutch and christian

When most of us think of killers like Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy,

 we imagine people who feel compelled to harm other huma­n beings, who enjoy causing fear and who feel no remorse for their actions.

 And for the most part, these characterizations are entirely correct. Serial killers (and many other types of violent criminals) are typically considered to be psychopaths with aggressive and anti-social characteristics.

 But not all psychopaths are violent -- some are "merely" manipulative, dishonest and incapable of experiencing deep emotions, and they may blend in with society with relative ease.

A CEO who cheats his employees out of their pensions and then walks off without a tinge of regret may be a psychopath. Psychopaths, violent or non-violent, have no "moral compass," no conscience. They do not experience feelings of guilt for the crimes or betrayals they commit.

 A recent study of the brains of psychopaths, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, may shed some light on what's going on -- or not going on -- in these people's heads.
For years, researchers and psychiatrists have understood that psychopaths respond differently to external stimuli, and they have theorized that this abnormal response is rooted in the brain.

The idea is that psychopaths process information differently than non-psychopaths, and numerous scientific studies using functional MRI (fMRI) to visualize brain activity have backed this up. In 2003, a study presented at a conference in Britain showed that when "normal" people lie, there is increased activity in the frontal lobe that suggests the experience of guilt and discomfort; but when psychopaths lie, there is no increased brain activity.

An earlier study found that when psychopaths viewed emotionally charged words like "rape" or "murder," the changes in their brain activity were completely different from the changes that occurred when non-psychopaths saw those words.

The increased brain activity in the psychopaths wasn't even in the limbic system, which is where language processing occurs.

In 2006, a group of London-based scientists published the results of a study that may offer additional information on the biological basis for psychopathy. It appears that psychopaths may experience the signs of fear in other people in a way that is not comparable to the way most of us experience it. In fact, they may not really experience it at all.

The study set out to test the idea that psychopaths don't experience empathy for other people's distress -- can't understand, sense or appropriately react to it -- because they don't grasp the signs of that distress. In particular, this study tested the responses of nine "normal" people and six criminal psychopaths to typical facial and vocal signs of fear and sadness.

All of the subjects were hooked up fMRI equipment that measured their neurological responses to the stimuli. In this context, "response" typically means increased bloodflow and/or increased firing of neurons, the carriers of brain signals.
The researchers showed both groups of subjects two different sets of images: one of joyful faces and neutral faces, and one of fearful faces and neutral faces. The neutral faces established a baseline for brain activity.
When the non-psychopathic subjects saw a happy face, the fusiform and extrastriate regions of the brain -- the areas primarily responsible for processing images of facial expressions -- showed increased activity compared to their response to a neutral face.

The psychopathic brains also showed increased activity in response to the happy faces, although less of an increase than in the non-psychopathic group.

 However, whereas the non-psychopathic subjects showed a similar increase in brain activity in response to the distressed faces, the psychopathic subjects did not.

In fact, when the psychopaths were shown sad or fearful faces, their brain scans actually showed less neural activity than when they were shown neutral faces.
The researchers concluded that in psychopaths, the neural pathways that are supposed to process signs of human distress are either non-functional or work completely differently than those pathways work in the general population.

This could explain, at least in part, why psychopaths do not identify with the emotional distress of their victims.

The findings of the study may be helpful in understanding how psychopathy works at the neurological level, but in a BBC News article, psychopathy researcher Dr. Nicola Gray of Cardiff University explains, "it is still a long way to finding out what to do about that."
For more information on psychopathy, abnormal psychiatry and related topics, check out the links on the following page.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gossip - Pop Goes The World-- thermotron manager

Hypnotize yourself to be a monkey--Ronald Lampen named president of Thermotron Industries

Ron Lampen, who has served as the company's vice president of service operations for the past 13 years, 

has extensive experience in all facets of the business, 

Thermotron representatives said. 

He was also vice president of sales and marketing for 15 years previously.

Ronald Lampen,

Thermotron's vice president of service operations, noted agencies ruled in the company's favor.

"Holt's allegations are unfounded and untrue," Lampen told the Observer in a phone call.

He refused to answer further questions, then hung up.

A call to a job

Above Kevin Holt's backyard workshop, a massive portrait of Jesus stands watch.

"Bad things will happen to you in life," Holt says.

"Ultimately, God is still on the throne.

The sun came up this morning. The world will not end."

Last October Holt returned home to hugs, red-white-and-blue bunting around the mailbox ... and a job interview.

Espec North America had heard Holt was no longer with competitor Thermotron.

After e-mailing Holt in Iraq, the company agreed to talk with him when he got back.
In November, he became Espec's newest employee.

Gossip - Pop Goes The World-- thermotron manager training- hire a"" has been"""

hey ck out the new blood-- and the new batch of liars and deceivers thermotron--

gee don't you want to go into management

Monday, January 7, 2013

58$ Dirty Pastors: Benny Hinn & Mike Murdock

Dutch and Christian reformed holland michigan thermotron training WATCH THIS YOU WILL LAUGH TO DEATH

Say What Again!!-- thermotron we treat employee's like family !!

Say What Again!!-- thermotron treat the employes like family

At thermotron the many field service engineers i worked with all bragged "what " liars and thieves they were--

the the sales personal were liars and drunks  -- get the "skinny" from Tamera Kennedy--

she has been a dishonest -- deceiver -- most of her career

Thermotron family members--Bob Wiley-- just lie to the customer and tell them "it's under warrenty"
Ronald Wiley-- He's a good liar like his daddy!!
Hil Sybesma-- i'm a company man-- Thomas patterson -- mike barrs-- mitch kerr-- fred plont-- mark lamers-- jim roulfas-- randy hertes--


Sunday, January 6, 2013

How to detect lies. Great tips on how to spot a liar

How to detect lies. Great tips on how to spot a Thermotron liar


manager's are required to lie cheat and defraud -- find out or observe who their "Pet" false wittness

-- how about sales-- then you get to opportunity to be drunk every day--

how about a field service engineer-- Hmm now you have to get the customer to sign - off on the equipment--

it doesn't matter if it works or not

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Rudolph The Psycho Reindeer-- training at thermotron

Official Ron White - You Can't Fix Stupid-- thermoton get your start here - then move on!!


after listening to the tamera kennedy show-- if you don't know what "bul*- sh*t is then
get the video or the DVD--

The rule is --- meet the new boss --- same as the old boss Remember the only time a thermotron employee --will tell the truth is if it is -- mmore beneficial then the LIE they were going to tell you but we have made some changes sence then-- because Daniel J O'Keffe is gone

Diagnosing A Sociopath-- if you are at thermotron -- ck your back-- for the stabber

thomas bannach thermotron manager thought it was normal to lie cheat and defraud your co workers-- his personal yes -guys - said who ever told thomas bannach what ever he wanted to hear was right-- and it didn;t matter who you robbed -- cheated or stole-- get you training from thermotron ---

thermotron Full Uncensored-- manager training

The Psychopath Test-- thermotron field service engineer- (technician)

hey Daniel j o'keefe from thermotron

is norman he says everyone is like him -- or dumber--

besides every -1 is a liar

- What is a sociopath? Holland Michigan training Russles technicial products


moral perversion is "A-Ok"

yes at russles technicial products--
Don Bench said he had to lie and cheat his co-workers because he can't compete like the people at Thermotron

Bill bench told me i had to lie cheat and defraud everyone he told me to

all the upper management said -- "Gee what else can you do??

Sociopath? What is it?-- thermotron gee don't you want to go--into management

Taylor Swift Scared on Ellen 5 Times

Saturday Night Live - Weekend Update: Ann Romney--

Saturday Night Live - Puppet Class

thrmotron manager training-Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

Profile of the Sociopath This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths. Glibness and Superficial Charm Manipulative and Conning They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims. Grandiose Sense of Self Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." Pathological Lying Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way. Shallow Emotions When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises. Incapacity for Love Need for Stimulation Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common. Callousness/Lack of Empathy Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them. Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others. Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc. Irresponsibility/Unreliability Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed. Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts. Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively. Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily. Other Related Qualities: Contemptuous of those who seek to understand them Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them Authoritarian Secretive Paranoid Only rarely in difficulty with the law, but seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired Conventional appearance Goal of enslavement of their victim(s) Exercises despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life Has an emotional need to justify their crimes and therefore needs their victim's affirmation (respect, gratitude and love) Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim Incapable of real human attachment to another Unable to feel remorse or guilt Extreme narcissism and grandiose May state readily that their goal is to rule the world (The above traits are based on the psychopathy checklists of H. Cleckley and R. Hare.) NOTE: In the 1830's this disorder was called "moral insanity." By 1900 it was changed to "psychopathic personality." More recently it has been termed "antisocial personality disorder" in the DSM-III and DSM-IV. Some critics have complained that, in the attempt to rely only on 'objective' criteria, the DSM has broadened the concept to include too many individuals. The APD category includes people who commit illegal, immoral or self-serving acts for a variety of reasons and are not necessarily psychopaths. DSM-IV Definition Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for the moral or legal standards in the local culture. There is a marked inability to get along with others or abide by societal rules. Individuals with this disorder are sometimes called psychopaths or sociopaths. Diagnostic Criteria (DSM-IV) 1. Since the age of fifteen there has been a disregard for and violation of the right's of others, those right's considered normal by the local culture, as indicated by at least three of the following: A. Repeated acts that could lead to arrest. B. Conning for pleasure or profit, repeated lying, or the use of aliases. C. Failure to plan ahead or being impulsive. D. Repeated assaults on others. E. Reckless when it comes to their or others safety. F. Poor work behavior or failure to honor financial obligations. G. Rationalizing the pain they inflict on others. 2. At least eighteen years in age. 3. Evidence of a Conduct Disorder, with its onset before the age of fifteen. 4. Symptoms not due to another mental disorder. Antisocial Personality Disorder Overview (Written by Derek Wood, RN, BSN, PhD Candidate) Antisocial Personality Disorder results in what is commonly known as a Sociopath. The criteria for this disorder require an ongoing disregard for the rights of others, since the age of 15 years. Some examples of this disregard are reckless disregard for the safety of themselves or others, failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors, deceitfulness such as repeated lying or deceit for personal profit or pleasure, and lack of remorse for actions that hurt other people in any way. Additionally, they must have evidenced a Conduct Disorder before the age of 15 years, and must be at least 18 years old to receive this diagnosis. People with this disorder appear to be charming at times, and make relationships, but to them, these are relationships in name only. They are ended whenever necessary or when it suits them, and the relationships are without depth or meaning, including marriages. They seem to have an innate ability to find the weakness in people, and are ready to use these weaknesses to their own ends through deceit, manipulation, or intimidation, and gain pleasure from doing so. They appear to be incapable of any true emotions, from love to shame to guilt. They are quick to anger, but just as quick to let it go, without holding grudges. No matter what emotion they state they have, it has no bearing on their future actions or attitudes. They rarely are able to have jobs that last for any length of time, as they become easily bored, instead needing constant change. They live for the moment, forgetting the past, and not planning the future, not thinking ahead what consequences their actions will have. They want immediate rewards and gratification. There currently is no form of psychotherapy that works with those with antisocial personality disorder, as those with this disorder have no desire to change themselves, which is a prerequisite. No medication is available either. The only treatment is the prevention of the disorder in the early stages, when a child first begins to show the symptoms of conduct disorder. THE PSYCHOPATH NEXT DOOR (Source: Psychopath. We hear the word and images of Bernardo, Manson and Dahmer pop into our heads; no doubt Ted Bundy too. But they're the bottom of the barrel -- most of the two million psychopaths in North America aren't murderers. They're our friends, lovers and co-workers. They're outgoing and persuasive, dazzling you with charm and flattery. Often you aren't even aware they've taken you for a ride -- until it's too late. Psychopaths exhibit a Jekyll and Hyde personality. "They play a part so they can get what they want," says Dr. Sheila Willson, a Toronto psychologist who has helped victims of psychopaths. The guy who showers a woman with excessive attention is much more capable of getting her to lend him money, and to put up with him when he strays. The new employee who gains her co-workers' trust has more access to their chequebooks. And so on. Psychopaths have no conscience and their only goal is self-gratification. Many of us have been their victims -- at work, through friendships or relationships -- and not one of us can say, "a psychopath could never fool me." Think you can spot one? Think again. In general, psychopaths aren't the product of broken homes or the casualties of a materialistic society. Rather they come from all walks of life and there is little evidence that their upbringing affects them. Elements of a psychopath's personality first become evident at a very early age, due to biological or genetic factors. Explains Michael Seto, a psychologist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental health in Toronto, by the time that a person hits their late teens, the disorder is almost certainly permanent. Although many clinicians use the terms psychopath and sociopath interchangeably, writes psychopath expert Robert Hare on his book 'Without Conscience', a sociopath's criminal behavior is shaped by social forces and is the result of a dysfunctional environment. Psychopaths have only a shallow range of emotions and lack guilt, says Hare. They often see themselves as victims, and lack remorse or the ability to empathize with others. "Psychopaths play on the fact that most of us are trusting and forgiving people," adds Seto. The warning signs are always there; it's just difficult to see them because once we trust someone, the friendship becomes a blinder. Even lovers get taken for a ride by psychopaths. For a psychopath, a romantic relationship is just another opportunity to find a trusting partner who will buy into the lies. It's primarily why a psychopath rarely stays in a relationship for the long term, and often is involved with three or four partners at once, says Willson. To a psychopath, everything about a relationship is a game. Willson refers to the movie 'Sliding Doors' to illustrate her point. In the film, the main character comes home early after just having been fired from her job. Only moments ago, her boyfriend has let another woman out the front door. But in a matter of minutes he is the attentive and concerned boyfriend, taking her out to dinner and devoting the entire night to comforting her. All the while he's planning to leave the next day on a trip with the other woman. The boyfriend displays typical psychopathic characteristics because he falsely displays deep emotion toward the relationship, says Willson. In reality, he's less concerned with his girlfriend's depression than with making sure she's clueless about the other woman's existence. In the romance department, psychopaths have an ability to gain your affection quickly, disarming you with words, intriguing you with grandiose plans. If they cheat you'll forgive them, and one day when they've gone too far, they'll leave you with a broken heart (and an empty wallet). By then they'll have a new player for their game. The problem with their game is that we don't often play by their rules. Where we might occasionally tell a white lie, a psychopath's lying is compulsive. Most of us experience some degree of guilt about lying, preventing us from exhibiting such behavior on a regular basis. "Psychopaths don't discriminate who it is they lie to or cheat," says Seto. "There's no distinction between friend, family and sucker." No one wants to be the sucker, so how do we prevent ourselves from becoming close friends or getting into a relationship with a psychopath? It's really almost impossible, say Seto and Willson. Unfortunately, laments Seto, one way is to become more suspicious and less trusting of others. Our tendency is to forgive when we catch a loved one in a lie. "Psychopaths play on this fact," he says. "However, I'm certainly not advocating a world where if someone lies once or twice, you never speak to them again." What you can do is look at how often someone lies and how they react when caught. Psychopaths will lie over and over again, and where other people would sincerely apologize, a psychopath may apologize but won't stop. Psychopaths also tend to switch jobs as frequently as they switch partners, mainly because they don't have the qualities to maintain a job for the long haul. Their performance is generally erratic, with chronic absences, misuse of company resources and failed commitments. Often they aren't even qualified for the job and use fake credentials to get it. Seto talks of a patient who would get marketing jobs based on his image; he was a presentable and charming man who layered his conversations with educational and occupational references. But it became evident that the man hadn't a clue what he was talking about, and was unable to hold down a job. How do you make sure you don't get fooled when you're hiring someone to baby-sit your child or for any other job? Hire based on reputation and not image, says Willson. Check references thoroughly. Psychopaths tend to give vague and inconsistent replies. Of course the best way to solve this problem would be to cure psychopaths of their 'illness.' But there's no recipe for treating them, say psychiatrists. Today's traditional methods of psychotherapy (psychoanalysis, group and one-on-one therapy) and drug treatments have failed. Therapy is more likely to work when an individual admits there's a problem and wants to change. The common problem with psychopaths, says Sets, "Is they don't see a problem with their behavior." Psychopaths don't seek therapy willingly, says Seto. Rather, they're pushed into it by a desperate relative or by a court order. To a psychopath, a therapist is just one more person who must be conned, and the psychopath plays the part right until the therapist is convinced of his or her 'rehabilitation.' Even though we can't treat psychopaths effectively with therapy, it doesn't mean we can't protect ourselves, writes Hare. Willson agrees, citing the most important factor in keeping psychopaths at bay is to know your vulnerabilities. We need to "realize our own potential and maximize our strengths" so that our insecurities don't overcome us. Because, she says, a psychopath is a chameleon who becomes "an image of what you haven't done for yourself." Over time, she says, "their appearance of perfection will begin to crack," but by that time you will have been emotionally and perhaps financially scathed. There comes a time when you realize there's no point in searching for answers; the only thing is to move on. Taken in part from MW -- By Caroline Konrad -- September 1999 THE MALIGNANT PERSONALITY: These people are mentally ill and extremely dangerous! The following precautions will help to protect you from the destructive acts of which they are capable. First, to recognize them, keep the following guidelines in mind. (1) They are habitual liars. They seem incapable of either knowing or telling the truth about anything. (2) They are egotistical to the point of narcissism. They really believe they are set apart from the rest of humanity by some special grace. (3) They scapegoat; they are incapable of either having the insight or willingness to accept responsibility for anything they do. Whatever the problem, it is always someone else's fault. (4) They are remorselessly vindictive when thwarted or exposed. (5) Genuine religious, moral, or other values play no part in their lives. They have no empathy for others and are capable of violence. Under older psychological terminology, they fall into the category of psychopath or sociopath, but unlike the typical psychopath, their behavior is masked by a superficial social facade. If you have come into conflict with such a person or persons, do the following immediately! (1) Notify your friends and relatives of what has happened. Do not be vague. Name names, and specify dates and circumstances. Identify witnesses if possible and provide supporting documentation if any is available. (2) Inform the police. The police will do nothing with this information except to keep it on file, since they are powerless to act until a crime has been committed. Unfortunately, that often is usually too late for the victim. Nevertheless, place the information in their hands. Obviously, if you are assaulted or threatened before witnesses, you can get a restraining order, but those are palliative at best. (3) Local law enforcement agencies are usually under pressure if wealthy or politically powerful individuals are involved, so include state and federal agencies as well and tell the locals that you have. In my own experience, one agency that can help in a pinch is the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service or (in Canada) Victims Services at your local police unit. It is not easy to think of the IRS as a potential friend, but a Swedish study showed that malignant types (the Swedes called them bullies) usually commit some felony or other by the age of twenty. If the family is wealthy, the fact may never come to light, but many felonies involve tax evasion, and in such cases, the IRS is interested indeed. If large amounts of money are involved, the IRS may solve all your problems for you. For obvious reasons the Drug Enforcement Agency may also be an appropriate agency to approach. The FBI is an important agency to contact, because although the FBI does not have jurisdiction over murder or assault, if informed, they do have an active interest in any other law enforcement agencies that do not follow through with an honest investigation and prosecution should a murder occur. Civil rights are involved at that point. No local crooked lawyer, judge, or corrupt police official wants to be within a country mile if that comes to light! It is in such cases that wealthy psychopaths discover just how firm the "friends" they count on to cover up for them really are! Even some of the drug cartel biggies will scuttle for cover if someone picks up the brick their thugs hide under. Exposure is bad for business. (4) Make sure that several of your friends have the information in the event something happens to you. That way, an appropriate investigation will follow if you are harmed. Don't tell other people who has the information, because then something bad could happen to them as well. Instruct friends to take such an incident to the newspapers and other media. If you are dealing with someone who has considerable money, you must realize that they probably won't try to harm you themselves, they will contract with someone to make the hit. The malignant type is a coward and will not expose himself or herself to personal danger if he or she can avoid it. Update: A thorough article. You may also find more at I, the creator of this site, am not a psychologist and no special expertise in the subject. I created the site as a public service, because no similar site existed in 2003. I occasionally get sad calls and emails. I urge you to consult either a clinical psychologist or the police depending on the problem you face, and wish you good luck.

thermotron-attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

so·ci·o·path /ˈsōsēōˌpaTH/ Noun A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.