Wednesday, April 15, 2015

thermotron thomas bannach gay people- daniel j okeefe management pervert


thermotron manager training-

EMBEZZLEMENT was about $10,000 to $20,000 per year–






you backstabber– talkin BAD about your liar and thief CO-worker–

is not allowed at thermotron

Hil sybesma says”’ it’s ok — it’s just working the system”



when Thomas bannach was employed at Thermotron–
He told the Field service engineer in the Branch office that it was Ok
to lie ,cheat steal embezzle and defraud the customer and co workers–
because everyone he knows is like that– and

and when Roger cannady and his Associates were contacted at the Home Office in Holland Michigan–
Roger cannady reply was — well if you don’t like the way we manage –
– i will accept your resignation–
Yes leadership training with roger Cannady -and his associates- was an expression of a closet pervert–
looking 4 a dummy
Roger Cannady — as the National Service Manager said” well if you don’t like your review”
Dave Water field replaced roger cannady as Thermotron National service manager–
He said that all the offices that thomas bannach and roger cannady managed — stood out like a sore thumb– becasue of the excessive Robber– thief– and embezzlement–
Yes thomas Bannach and his Pet ‘s Gregory V Johnson– hil sybesma– dean tripp–
all agreed — stealing was called — working the system and the average amount of
EMBEZZLEMENT was about 10,000 to 20,000 per year–
Gregory V Johnson would drive to the branch office — talk to Bo Bjarno the 3rd  thermotron sales guy  and then drive home
when Thomas Bannach worul call him– he would lie and tell Thomas Bannach that — his phone and Beeper didn’;t work..
and when a job  was called into the office — he would tell the customer that “the service man that does that type of job ” was “Out of town”
He spent six monthes putting down 8 hours a day  at a company called Ramteck– and Thomas Bannach never cked to see if he was on the job–
ENSECO chamber company  hired him and with in 3 monthes– they wondered why they hired a thomas Bannach “PET” in the first place– and went to his home on the week end — to fire him– and retrieve their service truck


Saturday, April 4, 2015

thermotron --- Brain Implants-- decisions made by people much-much smarter than you

Brain Implants

Thermotron management training --Ron White - Unprofessional-- meat hil sybesma -- and the Gang of liers and thieves


i guess thermotron -- has been the only company -- that i worked at that -- promoted that it was OK to lie cheat-- steal embezzle -- defraud your co workers and rob the customer--

so long as you blame it on some one else--

on the Litten project-- with Doug Mahn-- and the gang of liers and thieves---

Jim McGrew -- and the Litton management team--- asked me if thermotron -- is BLOWING Smoke

UP-MY-ASS-- and lying to me--

the thermotron field service man said -- Well they sure lie to MEeee

So, any way--- they sent Hil Sybesma to Lie to Jim McGrew and the Litton management team--

and then sent Thomas Bannach-- to support -- those lies--

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

thermotron -- field service engineer ----Ron White - pick me pick me

Field Service Engineer HVAC/Refrigeration (New Haven, CT)

Field Service
New Haven, CT
Thermotron seeks candidates for a field service engineer specializing
in HVAC and refrigeration in the New Haven, Connecticut area.  This
position is actively and continuously involved in preventive maintenance
contracts, retrofits, extended warranties, installations, start-up,
relocation packages, and general service. Service functions include
performing quality installations, startups, troubleshooting,
maintenance, construction, repair, modifications, overhauls, retrofits,
calibration, inspection and servicing of Thermotron products and like
competitor products. Must develop strong relationships with customers by
acting in a highly responsive and professional manner to meet customer
needs. Thermotron has Great training and support for our service teams.
We are a leader in our industry and a global organization!!!

Take the next step in your Career!!!   Join the Thermotron Team!!!

Field Service Technician: Nashua, NH

Field Service
Nashua, NH
This position is actively and continuously involved in preventive
maintenance contracts, retrofits, extended warranties, installations,
start-up, relocation packages, and general service. Service functions
include performing quality installations, startups, troubleshooting,
maintenance, construction, repair, modifications, overhauls, retrofits,
calibration, inspection and servicing of Thermotron products and like
competitor products. Must develop strong relationships with customers by
acting in a highly responsive and professional manner to meet customer

We are the established leader in our industry..... Come GROW with us!!!

We have excellent training and support for our field service engineers!!!!

Favicon thermotron management - One Night in Bangkok - with Elaine johnson-
1 Dec 2014, 8:13 pm

It's not a lie if every one believes it 

Management training -- 30 years + with daniel joke-efe -- 

the faith in words and deeds. 

Witness is an act of justice that establishes the truth or makes it known. 

Christians by the example of their lives and the witness of their word,
wherever they live, have an obligation to manifest the new man which
they have put on in Baptism and to reveal the power of the Holy Spirit
by whom they were strengthened at Confirmation.
(Catechism 2472)
II. Put away falsehood –
Scripture bids us, 

Therefore, putting away falsehood, 

Thomas Patterson-- daniel j okeefe and the weir boys -- brought a whole new level of deceite--

and his job was to lie cheat defraud the customer and co workers

let every one speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. (Eph 4:22-25) 

the Eighth Commandment upholds the goodness and beauty of the truth,
exhorts us to celebrate it and instructs that we must avoid all sins
against the truth. There are numerous ways that the we can sin against
the truth. It will be fruitful for us to consider them each in turn,
along with some distinctions.
III. False Witness
- Nothing can be so injurious to individuals as to harm their good name or reputation. 

Thomas Bannach -- it's Ok to lible and slander your co workers

a good reputation it becomes difficult for an individual to
successfully relate to and interact with others whether it be for
business or merely at a personal level. 

Clearly, to bear false witness against someone is to harm their reputation and we are forbidden to do so.
In the technical sense, 

a false witness is something which takes place in a court of law and since it is under oath it is also called perjury.
it is also often the case that false witness is given in daily matters
through lies, half truths, exaggeration, and the like. 

Clearly our call to love the truth and to respect the reputation of others forbids us engaging in such activities.
Respect for the reputation of others also forbids us from:
A. Rash judgement – assuming without sufficient foundation the moral fault of a neighbor
B. Detraction – disclosing an other’s faults and failings without a valid reason to others who did not know them
C. Calumny – imputing false defects to another with the knowledge that they are false.
Yet it is also possible to offend the truth by
D. Inappropriately praising others
E. By refusing to correct them when it is proper to do so.
Flattery distorts the truth when it falsely attributes certain good
qualities or talents to another. This is usually done to ingratiate
oneself to individuals or for some other ulterior motive(s).
Such behavior becomes particularly sinful when it confirms another in malicious acts or sinful conduct.
IV. Lying
A lie consists in speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving…Lying is the most direct offense against the truth. 

To lie is to speak or act against the truth in order to lead into error someone who has the right to know the truth.
injuring man’s relation to truth and to his neighbor, a lie offends
against the fundamental relation of man and of his word to the Lord…

The Lord denounces lying as the work of the devil: 

“You are of your father the devil, . . . there is no truth in him….he is a liar and the father of lies.” [Jn 8:44]….
its very nature, lying is to be condemned. It is a profanation of
speech, whereas the purpose of speech is to communicate known truth to
others. The deliberate intention of leading a neighbor into error by
saying things contrary to the truth constitutes a failure in justice and
A lie does real violence to another. 

affects his ability to know, which is a condition of every judgment and
decision…Lying is destructive of society; it undermines trust…and tears
apart the fabric of social relationships
. (Catechism 2482-2485)
of lying are sins from which we must repent. Lying is also a sin that
demands reparation. That is to say, since lying causes actual harm and
real damage. These damages must be repaired. The actual truth must be
made known to those who deserve to know it. The reputations of others
which have been harmed by the lie must also be restored.
V. Is lying always so evil?
gravity of a lie is measured against the nature of the truth it
deforms, the circumstances, the intentions of the one who lies, and the
harm suffered by its victims
. (Catechism 2484). Thus there are big lies and smaller ones. Nevertheless, it is always wrong to intentionally lie.
This includes so called “polite lies.”

example suppose a phone call comes in for someone in the household who
has indicated a preference not to be disturbed just now. 
It is a lie to say, “She is not here.” Yet you could say, “She is not available now.” 
social situations are less simple! For example, if Mrs. Smith asks you,
“Do you like my new hairstyle?” Suppose you do not. It is in fact wrong
to say, “Yes, I like it.” Granted, we all feel a bit stuck in such
situations! Perhaps we could answer truthfully but discreetly and say,
“You look alright.” (Presuming that we do think so).
wouldn’t it be nice if we actually felt secure enough either to
indicate, charitably, our true feelings or to indicate our preference
not to answer the question? Wouldn’t it be even nicer if our
relationships with others were so based in sincerity and truth, that
people both gave and expected honest answers? It is to this blessed
state that the Lord points when he says, 

Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ (Mt 5:37).
VI. What about secrets?

This reflection has thus far emphasized the goodness and the splendor
of the truth as well as the importance of communicating that truth to
others who need it. However, as the Catechism states:
right to the communication of the truth is not unconditional..Fraternal
love…requires us in concrete situations to judge whether or not it is
appropriate to reveal the truth to someone who asks for it. 

good and safety of others, respect for privacy, and the common good are
sufficient reasons for being silent about what ought not be known or
for making use of a discreet language.
duty to avoid scandal often commands strict discretion. No one is bound
to reveal the truth to someone who does not have the right to know
it…Everyone should observe an appropriate reserve concerning persons’
private lives.
in charge of communications should maintain a fair balance between the
requirements of the common good and respect for individual rights.
by the media in the private lives of persons engaged in political or
public activity is to be condemned to the extent that it infringes upon
their privacy and freedom.

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Favicon Thermotron field service engineer--- Ron White - pick me pick me
17 Oct 2014, 9:56 pm


when i was at thermotron--- it was a big deal to take the customer to lunch--

so you could "pump-him-4-info"

when a service guy-- went to lunch with Hil sybesma-- in california--

he lied to his co worker-- and said he "forgot his wallet"

so that the service guy-- got called up on the carpet-- 4 excessive -- lunches--

yes with Hil Sybesma -- plotting and conspiracy with intent to defraud you co worker

is what being a "company man" is all about-- conspiring with thomas bannach to build a case againt your co worker's

pick me pick me

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Favicon Thermotron management training --Ron White - Unprofessional-- meat hil sybesma -- and the Gang of liers and thieves
17 Oct 2014, 9:39 pm


guess thermotron -- has been the only company -- that i worked at that
-- promoted that it was OK to lie cheat-- steal embezzle -- defraud your
co workers and rob the customer--

so long as you blame it on some one else--

on the Litten project-- with Doug Mahn-- and the gang of liers and thieves---

Jim McGrew -- and the Litton management team--- asked me if thermotron -- is BLOWING Smoke

UP-MY-ASS-- and lying to me--

the thermotron field service man said -- Well they sure lie to MEeee

So, any way--- they sent Hil Sybesma to Lie to Jim McGrew and the Litton management team--

and then sent Thomas Bannach-- to support -- those lies--

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Favicon Thermotron–Ron Lampten – frickin rotating chair: Spelling Bee-A new –presedental pervert or not??
14 Sep 2014, 11:33 pm


Thermotron –A new –presedental pervert or not??

Oh the NEw Guy

Thermotron–Ron Lampten – frickin rotating chair

sure thermotron– the things they don’t tell you

Sunday,, 2014

Thermotron management training Mad TV – Gump Fiction-

sure you know the answer
School– Thermotron management training–
sure — get your training at thermotron– with thomas bannach and
roger cannady and his associates–and Dave Waterfield– Daniel J O’keefe
as Gregory V Johnson — bragged that it’s ok to lie– cheat– steal and rob your co workers and the customer–
Hil sybesma said he had the same problem as thomas bannach– and they went to each others “church”
Water field — the roger cannady “replacement” said that the offices
that roger cannady and associates — managed — stood out “like a sour
because of the robbery thief and embezzlement– and Roger cannady — denied to the “one” single field service engineer man on the west coast that asked him about the embezzlement!!
Roger cannady and thomas Bannach — then libled and slander that Man– for asking a “question ” like that!!
yes After that that MAN was “drumed out” he worked worked at Russles technical Products–
and when Bill Bench asked why he left Thermotron employment–
Bill Bench was “surprised ” that he said that thomas bannach and his gang– HAD a problem with–
cheating stealing and back stabbing his co workers yes thomas bannach
said he has “more respect” for people w/o an education and training– how
do it the Hardly way yes thomas Bannach was Hardly available– excet 4
lying to the customer and co-workers

Friday, February 20, 2015

thermotron --Roger cannady --The Mask--Roger Cannady E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc


thermotron management training-lying,cheatin–bbery thief embezzlement- at dominating .. 18 year old .. boys.. with no training and no skills..

thermotron field service employment Factory training
thermotron where it is normal to be a criminal psychopath

the 30 years that Thomas bannach was there– and Gregory v Johnson, hil sybesma dean tripp- –Fred Plont– john tenbrink- bob wiley Daniel joke-efe
and ron lampten– and the new 27 years expert– what’s his name???

some pervert who has never worked any where else– and got all his cult training at thermotron

meat — the NEW president– big– lips– lying tongue– Holland Michigan pervert

maybe his church — has “good donuts”

like Thomas bannach and his crew of perverts

lie to every one– and steal and embezzle all you can — and back stab you co workers

Factory training is 1-customer-at-a-time

Thermotron management training Family Guy – Bullfrog- Roger Cannady and his associates

Roger Cannady E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc 
Greenville, North Carolina Area
Send InMail Add Roger to your network
Current E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc
Past President at Cannady & Associates
National Service Manager at Thermotron
Pilot at USAF
Education Craig AFB, AL
University of Missouri-Rolla
Webster Groves High School

what bullshit Do U believe..
ask the people at thermotron what they thought of Roger Cannary and his skills..
I have never worked with a BIGGER group of liars thieves and embezzlers .. then when he was at THERMOTRON.. i can’t imagine why Daniel J O’keefe FIRED him..
When roger was asked by a co-worker.. “why he allowed people to embezzle?” he got flustered.. n said.. do U think i just sign these work orders?.. Yes.. SIR !!..
… U do.!!

Thomas Bannach It wasn't me, it was..Gregory V Johnson - Roger cannady daniel J okeefe-, Roger Cannady Dean Tripp, Hil Sybesma


it takes some training to be a holland michigan church going pervert thief and embezzler

thermotron management training-lying,cheatin–bbery thief embezzlement- at dominating .. 18 year old .. boys.. with no training and no skills..

thermotron field service employment Factory training
thermotron where it is normal to be a criminal psychopath

the 30 years that Thomas bannach was there– and Gregory v Johnson, hil sybesma dean tripp- –Fred Plont– john tenbrink- bob wiley Daniel joke-efe
and ron lampten– and the new 27 years expert– what’s his name???

some pervert who has never worked any where else– and got all his cult training at thermotron

meat — the NEW president– big– lips– lying tongue– Holland Michigan pervert

maybe his church — has “good donuts”

like Thomas bannach and his crew of perverts

lie to every one– and steal and embezzle all you can — and back stab you co workers

Factory training is 1-customer-at-a-time

Thermotron management training Family Guy – Bullfrog- Roger Cannady and his associates

Roger Cannady E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc 
Greenville, North Carolina Area
Send InMail Add Roger to your network
Current E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc
Past President at Cannady & Associates
National Service Manager at Thermotron
Pilot at USAF
Education Craig AFB, AL
University of Missouri-Rolla
Webster Groves High School

what bullshit Do U believe..
ask the people at thermotron what they thought of Roger Cannary and his skills..
I have never worked with a BIGGER group of liars thieves and embezzlers .. then when he was at THERMOTRON.. i can’t imagine why Daniel J O’keefe FIRED him..
When roger was asked by a co-worker.. “why he allowed people to embezzle?” he got flustered.. n said.. do U think i just sign these work orders?.. Yes.. SIR !!..
… U do.!!
ask gregory v johnson about the embezzlement rate… he bragged that he was not as big of thief as hil sysybesma..
Carmichael, CA
Citrus Heights, CA
Another employee was threatened .. with .,, firing .. because a co-worker told roger that they were looking at other employment opportunities….
Roger accused his co-workers.. of .. not “knowing how to COMMUNICATE” .. as if he was still in the military.. unless U told him what ever he wanted to hear..
Hey, you’re blocking my tan, asshole
Roger Cannary was very good at dominating .. 18 year old .. boys.. with no training and no skills..
He let thomas bannach.. “DO HIS THING”…. as the West Coast Manager ;;
Hil sysbesma said .. Roger Cannary.. wasn’t in the INNer CirCle!!
Submitted by Tammy Morales on Tue, 08/26/2008 – 12:17pm.
in Site News
Hi Inner Circle Members,
First my apologies for the delay in getting the photo gallery back up and running.
We are working on making to more user friendly and easier to search.
Excellent at bullshitting management,
design, development, with NO communication, and NO training skills.
Over 20 years trying to get experience as a lying manager, instructional de…sign;;er, e-learning developer, NON-curriculum developer, platform trainer, andsmiling consultant.
Outstanding IN THE RAIN “Hands On” technical abilities WHICH was not evident when roger was training at thermotron and subject matter expertise in a wide range of bull shit subject areas:
•Human Performance Improvement, Process Improvement and Quality Management.
•Industrial Skills Training (filled with HUH?, What?, WHO said?),
Project Coordination ( skilled with thomas bannach at LItton industries in california) who said (don’t send that ASS Hole here again !!),
Testing, Commissioning and Startup was NOT his best fit..
what kind of JUNK is this??
Bullshit (also bullcrap, bullplop, or horseshit) is a common English expletive. It may be shortened to “bull” or the euphemism bs.
The term is common in American English. In British English, bollocks is a comparable expletive, although bullshit is now a commonly used expletive in British English as well.
As with many expletives, it can be used as an interjection (or in many other parts of speech) and can carry a wide variety of meanings.
Most commonly, it is used in connection with incorrect, misleading, or false language and statements.
While the word is generally used in a deprecating sense, it may imply a measure of respect for language skills, or frivolity, among various other benign usages.
In popular philosophy, Harry Frankfurt among others described the word bullshit as related to but distinct from lying. Proponents of Analytical Marxism used the word as well.
But he figured out how to use a computer!!! WOW..
•Software skills: MS Office, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Premier Pro CS3, Sony Sound Forge 9, Macromedia Flash 8, Captivate, Articulate, 3DVia – Seemage, Bunkspeed, Audacity, Win XP and Fuji Hyper Utility 2.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Thermotron–Did you Miss me — Elaine Johnson –Human Resource Manager Holland, Michigan (Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area) Human Resources


Elaine Johnson

–Human Resource Manager
Holland, Michigan (Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area)
Human Resources
As a LinkedIn member, you’ll join 250 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities.
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Elaine Johnson’s Overview

168 connections

Elaine Johnson’s Skills & Expertise

  1. Employee Relations
  2. Recruiting
  3. Training
  4. New Hire Orientations
  5. Human Resources
  6. Benefits Administration
  7. Employee Benefits
  8. Workforce Planning
  9. Talent Acquisition
  10. Succession Planning
  11. Onboarding
  12. Employee Engagement
  13. FMLA

Elaine Johnson’s Education

Aquinas College


Northern Michigan University


One bANNacH mannoth thermotron

bannach the blasphimer has been working with such equipment
for over 35 years.
normanly it only takes a year and a half of training at Ferris state University to perform this fun–c–tion..
Tom started at Thermotron (Holland, Michigan, where he currently resides) in 1968.
During that time he drummed out many of his co-workers and after
druming out jeff shulti who was
the mid-west manager .. ( talk 2 tom
patterson or dick alverson)
TOM rose to West Coast Service Manager/dispatcher (lier and slander)
where he defrauded over 90%
of his co-workers and drummed them out..
He encouraged everyone to be dishonest and deceiteful, and embezzles a
little bit every day.. and he bragged that every one would believe his
(Call up dean tripp in framington new mexico) a long time thermotron
employee as dean may tell you
they (thermotron)like people who steal and
thay way they are( 1 of them ) and they then have something to (hold over them)
as Fred Plont said about tom bannach “He left the west coast in “SHAMBLES”
and then to corporate Training Supervisor, responsible for the technical training
of 0 (zero) service engineers BUT SERVICE TECHNICIANS.. .
tom would say about his co workers when he worked on the west coast..
i couldn’t even spell en-gin-e-er and nOw i iS oNe !!
Now actually tom bannach was not responsible for anything..
If U asked tom for help on the west coast his reply wasj
1. no one else askes me questions ( why are U)??
2. I don’t know
3. That’s your job..
4. It is your job to train the less skilled employee.
5. It’s ok to lie to the customer.
(ASK HARRY GRACE about that (one of the many replacements) (or maybe dan deperts out of
seattle .. he lasted almost 1 year)
or Hil sysbesma..who is with tenny now.(he says he has the same “problem” )
ask Jerry Sinzaks wife ( the nurse) told me thermotron likes to give Out TITLES. Instead of money for raises.
Gregory V Johnson really liked tom… because as “tom’s” false wittness and thief and liar” he was 
able to steal and rob his co-workers.. and the customer..
tom let him have his way..
he was a thermotron PET!
gregory v johnson .. bragged how much he embezzled .. and that he was not as big of thief as hil
sysbesma .. tom bannash’s holland buddy.. and they went to each others church..
Now hil .. bragges that embezzlement and the like is not stealing ..
it’s called :WORKING THE SYSTEM”
hil sysbesma was another one of the clans.. who would lie to his
co-workers and lead them astray.. to
help “build a case against them”
When Hil .. hired a guy to replacement Mike Gillio, (who tom drummed out)..
that replacement lasted about 1 month..
he said WELLL I TOLD HIM THAT THERE WAS A LOT OF “on the job training
hil is another .. with NO TRAINING IN ANYTHINg .. except .. lying and embezzlement
John tenbrink was another one.. who when he backstabbed his co-workers at thermotron and 
he would say “Old Bob Wiley ” IS AS SMART AS A FOX”(to hide his backstabbing lying)
I was stuck with that low-life for 9 months on a job.. ..
john found that no one else would hire him except Bob-less wiley..
who told john that it ws “Ok to lie about what was happening on a job”
so long as U didn’t get BoB-less in trouble..
ALSO Mitch Kerr of ALLTEMPENG fame told me that He knew that
thermotron employe’s under
tom bannach’s management were backstabbers
and slanders and thieves..
ask roger cannary.. the national service manager.. He and TOM were
asked by employee’s .. “what
was thermotron budget’s for thief and
embezzlement..or dave waterfield.. as i told him.. the west coast was a
DEN OF LIARS AND THIEVES when tome bannach was there!!
these are just 4 of the holland “clans” where U can see the generational pervert curse..
Now jesus says it would be better if a rock was put around his neck and he was thrown into the lake..
and that because hil and tom and the others ,.. teach that it is “OK”
to lie, cheat and steal.. the best that
they will be is called the
“least” in the Kingdom of God”!!